Type 2 NPI

Type 2 NPI and CHAMPS enrollment instructions

To register for a Type 2 NPI and enroll in CHAMPS, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Register for a Type 2 NPI

To register for a Type 2 billing NPI, please go to the NPI registry: https://nppes.cms.hhs.gov/#/. For assistance, the customer service number is 800-465-3203.

  • Click to accept the terms and conditions.
  • If you would like to verify your NPI to determine the type or to see if you already registered for a Type 2 in the past, click on the “Search NPI Registry” button in the top right corner of the page.
  • Use the “Registered User Sign In” on the main page of the website to log in to your individual NPI (Type 1) account. If you do not know your login/password, you can click the red “forgot user ID or password” button. Please note: that NPPES staff will not freely offer your login/password to your staff. They are protecting your Social Security number; therefore, if you are not familiar with your login/password or have never logged into this system, you will need to obtain that before your staff assists you with the Type 2 NPI application. 
  • You should see three pictures at the top of the screen after you log in. Click the third picture to apply for an organization/business NPI. The system will display a general message that Individual/Sole Proprietors do not need an organization/business (Type 2) NPI, although if you have a business name and/or a Tax ID number, you do need it and will ignore that general message. 

Step 2: Obtain a Vendor ID from SIGMA

Once you have a Type 2 NPI (linked to your TIN), you must enroll in the State of Michigan’s SIGMA Vendor Self Service to obtain a Vendor Customer ID number. If you previously obtained a Vendor ID for your Tax ID, you may use the same one and skip this step. 

  • Click here to follow step-by-step instructions for SIGMA enrollment. Click the SIGMA Guide for access to a new user vendor guide. Following your SIGMA enrollment, you will receive a new Vendor Customer ID. This will be required to complete your CHAMPS business enrollment. (A Dunns number is not required.)
  • After you have completed SIGMA enrollment and received your new vendor customer ID, wait approximately three days before you complete your business CHAMPS enrollment.
  • For assistance with SIGMA, contact the State of Michigan VSS (SOM VSS) Support Center at SIGMA-Vendor@michigan.gov or 888-734-9749 or 517-284-0550

Step 3: Register the Type 2 NPI with CHAMPS (as a group practice) for Michigan Medicaid through Healthy Kids Dental and Healthy Michigan Plan

Once you have your Vendor ID, log in to your CHAMPS account to register your Type 2 NPI. Here is the link to register: https://milogintp.michigan.gov. Be sure to backdate your enrollment. You may request a Retro Enrollment date up to one year. Please click Provider Enrollment New Group Practice for a systematic guide. If you need further assistance, call the CHAMPS help desk at 800-292-2550. After Step 1 of the CHAMPS enrollment, you will get a notice of successful completion of that step and an Application ID number. Your application is not complete at this point; you must move forward with the remaining steps. 

  • Please note: Even if you are the only provider in the office, CHAMPS considers you a group because you have a business name and/or Tax ID number. Your office will need to register with CHAMPS as a group practice in addition to the provider’s individual (Type 1 NPI) enrollment. 

Step 4: Provide Delta Dental Plan of Michigan (“Delta Dental”) your Type 2 NPI number

After receiving the CHAMPS business enrollment approval, provide Delta Dental the Type 2 NPI along with the Tax ID number it is associated with in order to update the office record. Send via email: providerassistance@mydeltadental.com.

After you have provided Delta Dental with the Type 2 NPI, Healthy Kids Dental and/or Healthy Michigan Plan claims may deny until Delta Dental receives the Type 2 NPI CHAMPS approval (updated weekly). You may be able to resubmit claims (if originally submitted within the past year) once CHAMPS enrollment dates have uploaded into the Delta Dental system in accordance with your participating provider agreement. You may backdate your CHAMPS enrollment up to one year.

Step 5: Add Type 2 NPI to your claims

When submitting a Michigan Medicaid claim to Delta Dental (Healthy Kids Dental, Healthy Michigan Plan, Medicare Advantage, etc.), the State of Michigan requires use of the rendering service provider NPI on the claim.  

  • Type 1 (individual NPI) goes in box 54.

  • Type 2 (billing NPI) goes in box 49.

Please be sure your practice management system also reflects the appropriate NPI number in this field for electronic claims submission.